Clé de Peau Beauté honors women
who are driving change
in their communities through education.
Clé de Peau Beauté honors
an inspiring woman
for dedicating herself to bettering the lives
of girls through education
At Clé de Peau Beauté,
we believe that the key to
a better world lies
in unlocking the power of girls
through education.
The ‘Power of Radiance Award’
celebrates and honors women
who are taking action
and driving change
in their communities through girls’
(Science, Technology,
Engineering, Math) education.
Increasing the advancement of girls
and women in STEM fields
can help equip them
with the skills
to secure higher earning jobs
of the future
and in turn spur
socio-economic advancement
for their communities1.
We believe that each woman possesses
a true radiance of inner strength
and by unlocking and unleashing it,
she can achieve great things
and positively influence others.
“Education empowers future generations
to imagine a new world.”
- Alyona Tkachenko,
2021 Power of Radiance Award Recipient
In 2021, Clé de Peau Beauté honors
Alyona Tkachenko,
for her contributions advocating
for and providing access
to quality STEM education
for girls in Kazakhstan.
She is recognized as the Initiator
of Hour of Code in Kazakhstan as well,
bringing the program to her country
to inspire students,
especially girls, to learn programming.
Alyona’s dream is to ensure
there are no education gaps
or disparities
and also
to encourage young women
to pursue STEM as a field of study
since it is such a crucial tool
for innovation and the future.