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What did you dream of
as a child?

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All around the world,
girls have big dreams
and ideas about their futures.

However, because they are girls,
many often
don't have
the resources
to see their dreams through,
no matter how big or small.

Let's learn more
about some of the girls
and their stories.

My name is Sheila.
I live far away from my family, working in domestic care.
I want to read more books, but I’m unable to go to school because I have to financially
provide for my family.
My wish is to spend more of my time learning.
Many children who work are unable to attend school.
Hello, I'm Alissa. I risk getting married as soon as I turn 12 because I don’t have access to education.
If there was a school nearby, and I could be supported to
focus on my studies,
then my dream of becoming a teacher, rather than someone's wife
could become a reality.
If I had the opportunity to
go to school,
my future could be different.
My name is Maria. I'm now 15 years old and a mother to a toddler and a newborn baby.
I wasn't able to go to school because my family couldn't afford it.
I never learned how to read and write, which affects my children.
With access to education,
I would be better able to protect
my children
and help prepare them
for their futures.

There are many girls with
similar stories
around the world
– unable to receive education
due to various barriers.

What can each of us do
to support
these girls and their futures?
Let’s take a look at a couple
more stories
to get a better perspective.

For many girls,
having access to education
does not stop them from
facing systematic issues
when entering different fields of
or pursuing employment

I’m Rachel. Since I was a little girl, I knew I wanted to be a scientist.
My dream of becoming “Dr. Rachel” hasn't changed and I'm furthering my studies to become a chemical engineer.
However, I haven’t seen many women working in that field, which shouldn’t be the case.
Many girls drop out of
STEM fields because they are
male dominated.
Regardless of gender,
I believe everyone should be
able to study
their subjects
of interest.
Students and employees
who identify as female are often
in science,
technology, engineering and
This is referred to
as the STEM gender gap.
My name is Ayumi. I've always been interested in
and I’d love to learn more
about robot development.
With more female role models, I could visualize my career path clearly.
As the demand for STEM jobs
increases, future career opportunities
for girls
can be broadened and
enhanced through STEM education.
This will lead to financial
independence and empowerment.
Salaries are greater if girls,
like myself, receive higher education
in university and vocational school. It encourages me to continue

Let’s make the future of STEM
a little brighter.
Increasing diversity in STEM fields,
with more girls and women,
means more new ideas.

Clé de Peau Beauté believes
the key to a better world
in unlocking the potential
and innate intelligence of girls
– and education is the first step
to prepare them for success.

We can erase
the gender bias associated
STEM education
to pave the way with knowledge,
for girls and their futures.

Clé de Peau Beauté pledges
a portion of sales from The Serum
to support girls’ education
and empowerment.

Together, one small step at a time,
we can create radiance
and generate positive change
around the world.

What did you dream of
as a child?
What motivated you
to chase your dreams?

For girls
who continue to dream,
just as you once did.